I wrote this

Sweaty and tired, the travellers descend
The perilous journey…
..will nausea win out?

Safe arrivals and introductions
What a fine mix of folk
Each with a story to share

The food
There’s no more to say on that

We move and bend with the gentle breeze
Some less ‘bend’ than others
We’re guided by calmness, love and generous spirit

Back to the food!
I lied!
We HAVE say more about it

We relax into healing hands
Unaware of the trap ahead
Our bodies telling tales on us
What a snitch!

But we need to talk about wind
The gut reminds you
You can’t suddenly eat well and expect no payment
Big Life Question – how to ease this pressure when sharing a room?
A good friend knows
Ask her. She’ll tell
Elle ne regrette rien!

Silence descends…
…as does the tea I spill en route to a quiet spot
Hoping to be left alone by the bugs
Getting a wet butt from the sun lounger.
An eerie time
Inspiring rage and tears
But also…

After all, I wrote this

© wordsfromanotebook / suzie pearson

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